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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of individuals with PD according to chair rise performance (N = 88). Figures are mean and standard deviation unless indicated otherwise

From: Relation of chair rising ability to activities of daily living and physical activity in Parkinson’s disease

Clinical Characteristics


(N = 88)


(N = 54)

Slow or > 1 attempt

(N = 24)

Push self-up

(N = 10)

Test statistics


(Group differences)

Age (years) a

69.67 ± 8.89

68.31 ± 8.19

70.38 ± 9.35

75.30 ± 9.89

F(2,85) = 2.824


Gender (N and %) b


62 (70.5%)

38 (70.4%)

17 (70.8%)

7 (70.0%)

Χ2(2) = 0.003



26 (29.5%)

16 (29.6%)

7 (29.2%)

3 (30.0%)


Year since diagnosis of PD a

8.05 ± 5.23

8.15 ± 5.49

7.50 ± 4.87

8.85 ± 5.01

F(2,85) = 0.235


Disease severity (HY; Median and range) b

2.5 (1.0–4.0)

2.0 (1.0–3.0)

2.5 (2.0–3.0)

3.0 (2.5–4.0)

Χ2(10) = 10.182


Motor impairment (UPDRS-Motor) a

18.57 ± 8.60

15.52 ± 7.58

23.42 ± 8.15 +

23.40 ± 7.92 *

F(2,85) = 10.073

<  0.001

Co-morbidity (CCI) a

4.77 ± 1.79

4.59 ± 1.72

4.50 ± 1.69 ++

6.40 ± 1.65 *

F(2,85) = 4.750


Daily activity limitations (UPDRS-ADL) a

12.28 ± 5.14

10.35 ± 3.79

14.58 ± 4.44 +

17.20 ± 7.53 *

F(2,85) = 14.057

<  0.001

Percentage of activity limitations (SE-ADL; %) c

85.64 ± 9.20

87.64 ± 8.30

85.00 ± 6.90

76.67 ± 13.23 *

Χ2(2) = 10.479


Physical activity (PASE) a

100.50 ± 63.13

112.90 ± 61.40

95.21 ± 60.27 ++

46.18 ± 52.64 *

F(2,85) = 7.548


  1. a One-way ANOVA; b Chi-square test; c Kruskal-Wallis test
  2. Significant pair-wise differences (p < .05): * Normal vs. Push self-up; + Normal vs. Slow; ++ Slow vs. Push self-up
  3. Note: ADL Activities of Daily Living, CCI Charlson Co-morbidity Index, HY Hoehn and Yahr Scale, PASE Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, PD Parkinson’s disease, SE-ADL Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale, UPDRS Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale