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Table 1 (abstract P52). Basic studies characteristics

From: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference AIFI 2017. Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations, Evidences and Clinical Reasoning in Physiotherapy Practice


Headache type

Therapeutic exercise

Li-Ying Lin, et al. 2015

Primary headache

Neck stretching exercises included (a) sit or stand in a comfortable

and relaxed position; (b) slowly turn the head and neck from side to side; (c) slowly stretch the neck in any direction, especially in the direction that is painful for 10 seconds repeating for 20'

Mognoni F. et al. 2012

TTH, migraine, myogenus neck/shoulder pain

Relaxion exercise daily

Posture and stretching exercises for neck and shoulder

Daily every 2-3 hours

Varkey E. et al. 2011

Migraine with/without urea

Training 40 minutes, three times a week. (indoor cycling)

Andersen L. et al. 2011

TTH, migraine, unknown

2 or 12 minutes of progressive neck/shoulder resistance training with elastic resistance tubing performed 5 times a week at the workplace

Söderberg E. et al. 2011

TTH chronic

Physical training group with five exercises focused on neck and shoulder muscles and similar home-training programme

van Ettekoven H et al. 2006

TTH (episodic, chronic)

Craniocervical training programme (CTP) using low-load endurance exercises to cervicoscapular and craniocervical regions using a latex band CPT also at home twice a day for 10 min per session and then at least twice a week

Sjögren T. et al. 2005

General headache

Progressive light resistance training with six dynamic symmetrical movements: upper extremity extension, upper extremity flexion, trunk rotation to the right, trunk rotation to the left, knee extension and knee flexion. 20 times with a 30 s pause between the training movements, three group sessions of 20’

Jull G, et al. 2002


6 weeks, included 8/12 treatments no longer than 30' :Therapeutic low-load endurance exercises twice daily: craniocervical flexion with/without feedback; exercises of scapular adduction and retraction; isometric exercises using a low level of rotatory resistance to flex-ext neck Postural correction exercises in the sitting position (muscle lengthening exercises if necessary) 6 weeks with 8-12 treatments max 30 minutes

Kumar S, Raje A 2014

TTH (chronic, frequent, infrequent)

Unilateral progressive muscular relaxation exercises on 4 muscle groups: tense the muscle group for 5/7 seconds and then relax for 30-40 seconds. 15-minute session of relaxation per day, for 7 days.

Tornoe Andersen LL et al. 2016

TTH (frequent episodic or chronic)

10 weeks of supervised progressive specific strength training with a focus on the trapezius muscles with resistive tubing elastics three times a week at home with the aid of parental support for 10 weeks

  1. TTH= Tension-type headache, CCH= cervicogenic headache